Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Construction Demo

There is a science to some arts. One of these are the demolition of large buildings, some may not think this to be an art but having a building 30 stories high crumble down perfectly to stay within the block it was build in is not only amazing to look at the amount of science behind it. In order to have a building crumble perfectly you need to place charges around the supports with the correct amount of explosive and also has to be the right conditions as well for it to work. Science is a form of art that can be applied through almost everything.

3D Printing

Printing takes a new outlook when using 3D methods. Not only can you print things that are simple but you can print complex things as well. 3D printing uses a special plastic that melts down and then cools after being put on a plate. After time passes the lines build up and eventually the form of what you want printed takes shape. This also applies to other things as well such as concrete printing, or even liquid printing where a plate does down and picks up liquid and slowly forms into a figure as it goes up.